Kamo's Korner - Edition #12
Here we go again…. Wangaratta was hot, everyone was pissing and moaning and we hadn’t turned a lap yet. A few of our NSW friends thought they would come down and shake things up a bit which means everyone had to be on their game.
The sheriff was feeling a bit better after a few weeks off and Chris’s antics at Avalon. But this was only short lived. You know what they say, “No Molly No Wards” which proved to be not far from the truth as Shawn got all of 100m before his good ol’ pal Rodney came to say hi.
Terry “Gettin’ down with the” Brown had everything back together after whooshing it a few weeks before, Toby left a 19mm socket in his radiator hose semi cooking it and it was too hot to fish it out, Mark Blackeby made it to Wallan before realising he’d forgotten his dozen rolls promptly turning back, Ann had words to him and he’s now on a fitness kick and can be seen weeknights on the biggest loser.
Adam ‘The Tin Man’ Buckley arrived stiff and sore after the long drive unlike his nimble crew chief Wally who hadn’t slept after being all jacked up on sugar and donuts. The Tin Man’s steering which didn’t want to play causing him to zig and zag then what will be known as ‘The Wang Love Pile’ in which Gary Bowyer got caught up in, yours truly who thought, “if I just got enough run up I can jump them Evil Knievil style” which ended up with me on my lid, then to top it off Chris Fowler came in late bending up the rear end adding to fathers stress and putting him out for the night and no doubt another tantrum.
Jack Ward didn’t want to be out done and got up close and personal with the concrete. All roads now lead to their side hustle in the Priscilla sequel. Glenn and Markey Mark had their work cut out for them with all this action which pissed them off as they couldn’t chill on the infield with their muscle shirts listening to Tay Tay on the boom box.
After going and playing speedcars with Heck and Mower I thought it was time to remove the wing, little did I know mark has the radiator held in by the wing. How was I meant to know. Gary arrived fast and loud but after getting tied up in other peoples crashes he had just about enough. Never mind the Ti bolt that snapped, Gaz Coleman got his self made blowtorch and applied heat, just one drag at a time. It seemed to work as he was back for the final till the fire went out. Did he forget fuel again?
Farmer Dave had a pretty solid showing on a very rough track with his old sparring partner in his corner, the paddle pop lion Paul Perry who came up for some sausages. Dave went round incident free which will be a relief after the last month.
Travis and red beard must be up to something shifty, finishing 2 races in a row. Something doesn’t seem right, no bus breakdowns or racecar incident and finishing 3rd. Is this some sort of sick joke?
The Shepparton hall of famer said he had a match winning combination with Alex Myers behind the wheel and his mechanical genius Jase spinning wrenches. McLovin wasn’t too keen on going out in the final as he was worried about his glasses conducting electricity. But after a few stern words from dad still came home in second.
Janelle proved herself again, as she said “ I have bigger balls than the rest of you”. On a testing track and a night full of incidents she kept her nose out of trouble and came home with the win. We can’t keep letting this happen!!
Rumour File:
- Did Dean Thompson throw the wing out of the trailer why looking for more beverages?
- Was the sheriff last seen bouncing down the Hume Hwy?
- Is Blackeby getting huskies to help tow him round the streets?
- Did Molly miss the speedway to go on a date?
- Have Daniel and Wendy started their classic celebrations early?
Till next time Ron
